Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Gastric Acid Reflux Causes

Gastric Acid Reflux Causes

According to some, drinking alcohol, tea and coffee
can lead to gastro acid reflux. But recent studies
show that although individuals already affected by
this disease can be aggravated by alcohol, tea and
coffee, these elements do not cause the disease.

Compared to smoking which amplifies the risks of
getting the problem, alcohol, tea and coffee had
the least impact.

But this doesn’t mean that Acid Reflux affected people
are free to take the beverages stated above.

Doctors still suggest avoiding drinking of alcohol in
order to stop further aggravation as well.

So it will help you the most to get to the causes of
Gastric Acid Reflux such as smoking, along with
watching the foods you eat, in order to get alleviation
of the problem.

Please submit your info at the top right to start the
newsletter, in which I will discuss common causes of
Gastric Reflux and how changing your diet can certainly